Monday, March 18, 2019

March Volunteer of the Month

Thank You Ashley and Lauren Gibbs!

In the summer of 2014, at the height of the Ice Bucket Challenge, Lauren Gibbs joined the movement and poured a bucket of ice water over her head.

She was wearing her wedding dress.

And therein lies just one example of the love and devotion Lauren and her husband Ashley have for Ashley’s mother, Martha Gibbs, who lost her life to ALS in December 2014. 

Ashley and his beloved mother Martha.
“It came as a complete shock when our mom, who we loved so much, was diagnosed with ALS in January of that year,” said Ashley. “Her diagnosis was particularly difficult because my dad, Don, was fighting a losing battle with cancer at the same time.”

“I don’t know how we would have coped without the help of Dr. Simmons and his team at the Chapter-supported ALS Association Certified Center of Excellence at PennState Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Throughout the course of mom’s illness, our entire family was so appreciative of the Chapter’s many services such as the Howard I. Abrams In-Home Care Program and the Marjorie Shimer Durable Medical Equipment Loan Program,” he added.

 Martha’s disease progressed so quickly that she died shortly after Ashley’s father. It was, to say the very least, a most difficult time.  Ashley and Lauren’s wedding was the highlight of the year and Martha was still alive to celebrate with them. “We cherished the memory of Martha beaming at our wedding,” says Lauren.

After their loss, the Gibbs’ did not waste any time in giving back to the Chapter. They began by participating in the Hershey Walk to Defeat ALS® and, after learning about all the volunteer opportunities, Ashley and Lauren jumped in with open arms and open hearts. They encouraged friends and family throughout the country to join a local Walk to Defeat ALS. They became Community Ambassadors, raising awareness about ALS at many Chapter events. And, Ashley, a big baseball fan, volunteered at the annual Phillies Phestival.

Ashley also began avidly participating in ALS advocacy efforts. He has shared his compelling story with lawmakers in Harrisburg, using his experience to elicit empathy and seek increased funding for ALS care services. And, because he understands the importance of this funding, he continues this vital way of educating legislators about ALS.  

Ashley and Lauren’s shared loss has brought them even closer together. Together they volunteer and are a voice for those who can no longer speak. They have turned their grief into a positive remembrance of Martha. The Chapter is proud to present them with the honor of Volunteers of the Month for their work in memory of this very special woman.